
Monday, October 4, 2010

but i don't WANT to go to the tummy doctor!!!! uggggggg!

but i had to. i was having troubles. i won't be too specific but "Elvis would not leave the building" you know what i'm saying? here is a picture storybook of my appointment.

i am NOT happy to be here!

la ti triage

WHAT? THIS is the literature they put on the wall for the scared patients to read while in triage?? for the love of PETE!

whazzup doc?

does this hurt? no. does this hurt? no. does this hurt? no.
ma'am, why are you taking pictures?

OK, so. no real problems? nothing like the poster in triage? good. so i need to take miralax everyday? then you want me to send you what? IN THE MAIL???.........................

am i on "candid camera"?

can't beat the peace of mind!

if you are having tummy troubles. GO TO THE DOCTOR!
it is worth it!

this post is for my precious friend Tripp. may God Heal and work His miracles in your life! LOVE YOU!

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