
Monday, September 13, 2010

a clean room

a couple of posts down you can read about our search for RICO our elderly hamster. we tore peanut's room apart to find him. well, someone had to clean it! since i am a control freak, i decided to clean it myself. throwing away any JUNK that i found and also putting together a give-away pile. it turned out well! here is a before and after:

oh    my    goodness!


remember the closet scene in E.T.?

have you ever watched "hoarders"?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz! Found you thru Jennifer Gamble's blog! Had no idea it was your blog til I saw your face! Glad to "see" you. You have a beautiful family. We have 3, also. Craziness, I tell ya:)

    I will check in again.
    Amanda Bolen Brown
    ps. Isn't your hubby from Little Rock? That is where we live and have for 8 years.
