
Monday, July 19, 2010

someone help me with this one

I just checked my feedjit (which tells me how people find my blog, where the people that read it are from, etc. everything but the name of the person). WILL someone tell me why people are searching for "sad facebook status'"? why would someone want to read some one's sad status? are you in search of a good cry? or, could it be that by checking other people's sad status' it might make you feel better about your own status? seems kinda sad! come on peeps! search for happy stuff. there is enough time for our own unfortunate events.. like a broken bone.....or your untimely break-up.........your search for your birth, snif....or an unfortunate death of a beloved pet.....OK....i gotta go now.........i can't think of anymore sad stuff................ HEY, i could google it. i guess.

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