
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

if you don't like it...change it!

i bought a piece of "art". i found it in an antique mall booth. i loved it (when i bought it)...named him "Oscar" and brought him home. i set him on my mantle...ummm, not so good. i put him in my bathroom...ummm, not so good either but it was a place for him to be. while taking a bath and looking at Oscar, i thought, [you could be a US swimmer!] cool? maybe? well, after receiving a better idea from my friend, my spidey sense was tingling! got my paints and the rest is "spidey-tastic!"
Oscar. before his make-over.

and AFTER!

"crunch" is going to have a hard time understanding this is "art". not an action figure! 
we will see how long it goes unbroken!

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