
Sunday, May 23, 2010

so grumpy. a terrible poem that rhymes

i wish i was not so grumpy.
bert and the kids do too
but if EVERYTHING worked as planned
i would not act like a poo

times go by and everything is good
then kids gives me a hard time
more than they should

i pray to the Lord EVERY DAY
for help from him is free
i don't have to pay

but when i think about my life
and how everything seems to go wrong
i am reminded of my favorite song:

" i know the Lord is nigh, i would but cannot pray.
for Saton meets me when i try, and frights my soul away, and frights my soul away...
help my unbelief, help my unbelief, help my unbelief"
my help must come from thee

Help my Unbelief a must listen.

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