
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

facebook discussion on lice cures~

my question posed to FB friends:
ok have to do the second treatment of RID on all of our hair just to be sure. a little tea tree oil shampoo after. let me be clear...i have not seen ONE nit in my kids white hair? what is the big woop?

friend A: been there, done that and you will KNOW its a big woop when you have them and enjoy all the fun. Use the tea tree until school is out, is my advice. and then get some to use every so often after that. Take a fool's advice my child.
friend B: We used tea tree oil ( i put drops in all our shampoo)- and then instead of using the scary chemicals, we used olive oil- it works just as well!
ME: i just re-RID'd their hair and i still do not see anything. i think we got them the 1st time. i think only one of mine really had them but the other one had one or two "nits" i hope i got em all! yuk.
friend C: Been there! Olive oil is the best. no chemicals and it leaves their hair soft.
friend D: Ummm since my daughter is in same grade & school..... what's involved with the olive oil treatment?
ME: ok it is all over their class. even some of the boys have shaved their heads! do not wash her hair but like every third day. they hate dirty hair. love clean hair. if possible put some hairspray in it. they hate hairspray or hair gel. also pull her hair up even in a braid. the nurse is checking regularly i think but you need to check her hair with a fine tooth comb.
friend D: Best place to check is behind their ears, especially if they are scratching. I'm a tea tree oil lover also. Been there!!
ME: does the tea tree shampoo work as well as the oil? where do you put the oil? ALL over their heads?
Friend D: I got the oil at whole foods and added a few drops to the shampoo and lathered it up and let it sit on their heads before rinsing. I think they have tea tree shampoo there also - maybe JASON brand?

check out this ROBI COMB! a friend says it works!

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