if you look at the earlier post to catch up. i am painting a 30" painting for an informal "auction" of sorts. i will let you know when the painting goes on the "block". the section of the verse in Lamentations that inspired the painting the most would be the part that talks about how "they will pour their hearts out to the presence of the Lord". i was on the Internet, searching Haiti and TRYING to find an upbeat beautiful picture that i felt inspired to paint. NOTHING. i was so saddened by the images that i just prayed to the Lord "help me paint something with hope" and i started painting. what is coming out, i pray, will be inspired by Him alone and will encourage others to pray for the lost, and hurting. Pray that their needs will be met physically, and then their needs will be met "spiritually". through the missionaries there to spread the word that that "Lord will not abandon you to the grave" if your heart is opened for the Holy Spirit to come in and "heal".
I will set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand, i will not be shaken. therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. you have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
PSALM 16:8-11
these two photos are tiny sections of the painting and are "rough" but give you an idea of where i am going with it.
if you want to be included in the bidding, post your e-mail on my blog. i will send you the info.
Liz: Dad and I are so proud of your efforts toward relief for Haiti. Your painting will be so wonderful, because it will be filled with love for all the thousands of men, women and children who suffer so terribly in Haiti. Your heart is pure, and I know that your good intentions please God. Keep being the wonderful person that you are. This includes your a ability to mother with love, be a wonderful wife to Bert, and such a source of pride to your mother and father, and your sisters and brothers in law. Mom