
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

where is my frannie?

about an hour ago i was getting out of the shower and about to get ready for bed. this is when i realized that i have not heard or seen frannie, my shih-tzu (i wrote about her a few posts ago). I have scoured my house, i have looked under all beds and all of her usual hiding places. i can't remember the last time i saw her today. we were gone for most of the day and between soccer tonight and getting the kids ready for bed i don't remember seeing her except for this morning. where is my frannie? i am so distraught. she is thirteen. she is stinky and has no collar. if someone picked her up they probably think she is a stray. PLEASE LORD help me find her tomorrow. it is 1:00am now and i can't do anything but write this post. i feel like i am the worst pet mom in the world. i will have to keep my mouth shut tomorrow morning until the kids leave for school and then start looking for her. i will have Crunch and i have to get him to school at 9:00. i can't believe i have lost her. i have never lost frannie. NEVER. ug. i feel sick. PLEASE pray that i can find her tomorrow.

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