
Monday, September 28, 2009

Leo the Lion

Butter got to bring home the "class pet" for the weekend. A stuffed animal named Leo the Lion. i was just so darned excited that it is not a live animal. Once at our pre-school i noticed that a couple of classes had actual animals that you bring home and TAKE CARE OF for the weekend. one was a bird. a REAL bird. can you imagine? i would be so irritated if one of my children brought anything alive to this house from school. We already live in a zoo! What would happen if your house was the one that the animal happens to be in when his "number" comes up? DEVASTATION!
Butter had fun with Leo! he mainly threw him up in the air about 399 times, we took him to church with us and then when it was time to pack him up for school HE WAS MISSING! we found him hiding under a pillow. i don't blame the cat for hiding from someone that throws you up in the air nonstop. we had to have a picture made for the "class pet notebook" and i thought a picture of them reading together would be cute. I did not have "War and Peace" for Leo so he settled on "To Kill a Mockingbird". he was satisfied with that.

1 comment:

  1. too cute!! i remember once when my older sister brought home her class hamster. little sis (that would be me) LOVED animals and TV. unfortunately, when you have a pet cat it's not a good idea to put a girl and a hamster in front of the TV. i got a little distracted and hammy made his escape. he was out of my arms for about 5 seconds and the next thing i saw was a flash of fur running up the stairs. hammy was in hamster heaven, just like that.

    now jonathan wants to bring home his class rabbit. i don't know if my hesitation is wisdom or just flashbacks from hammy. i think i'm scarred for life.
