
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


i love those lil toes
when do feet become yucky?
i think when they start wearing cowboy boots on them
even stinky feet can have boo boo kisses
mama'll do that any day
feet with eight splinters from the old lake dock
hurts me to pick them out
cuz it hurts my lil baby
mama cries in her throat when her baby hurts
oh little boy please don't grow
out of your cowboy boots!


  1. those have got to be some of the cutest feet i've ever seen! make sure to save the cowboy boots if he ever happens to grow out of them;) i still have jonathan's first pair.

  2. i love this! today when i put miller down i kissed kissed kissed his feet (feet that have not worn shoes in two days nor seen soap and water). after kissed them i thought about that, but it still just doesn't seem bad. they are too sweet!

  3. ohhhhhhh! love me some toe fungus! you are right it just does not matter!
